X-Men Evolution Wiki

Troy Bowman Troy Bowman 10 June 2013

X Men Evoluton Fan Fic

Hi im Doing my frist X MEN fan fiction based off X men evolution

Im just adding a new character Named Trey brooks

"how about a little static in your life"

"shouldn't the Bad guys usually be K.O   By now "

Powers: Elctricity manipulation Hand to hand combat

Race : African American

Age 15-18 Grade : Freshman

Affiliations:  X -men   Bayville high school

Interests:  Basketball  Hanging with kurt and evan , kitty  Muisc  food Filed trips being partner with magma

Crush : magma

Dislike ;  toad and blob 

Logan Sometimes Logan yelling at him scott being bossy and uptight 

being told he can't do something Not being able to polit the x jet some of kurts jokes


evan daniels

Jamie Madrox aka multiple

Bobby Drake ake iceman

Scott Summers

Jean Grey

Trey is a very…

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