X-Men Evolution Wiki

Aggression25 Aggression25 29 September 2015

Lancity not changing

I've been going to the couples page, and nothing has changed. Is this how it is for everyone that tries to change the status of the couples page?

--Aggression25 (talk) 00:21, September 29, 2015 (UTC)

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Aggression25 Aggression25 3 May 2015

Questioning Apocalypse's immortality in Evolution

How many of you out there that saw X-Men: Evolution think that Apocalypse wasn't immortal yet? I don't think he demonstrated it yet and was instead preserved by the Eye of Ages for thousands of years.

The only mutant that even demonstrated a degree of longevity was Danielle Moonstar, and that was because she was in a state of hibernation for over two years, preserving her until she could be found and rescued by the X-Men.

Anyone care to express their opinions on Apocalypse's possible immortality?

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