X-Men Evolution Wiki
The Rippers
Biographical Information
Name: The Rippers
Members: Marius Boudreaux (Leader)
Julien Boudreaux
Unnamed associates
Species: Humans
Status: Alive
Originally From: Bloodmoon Bayou, New Orleans, Louisiana
Gender: Males
Episode Info
First appearance: Cajun Spice

The Rippers are a group of human men who operated in Bloodmoon Bayou, a place in New Orleans, Louisiana. They are the known rivals of The Thieves Guild and were the ones behind the capture of Jean-Luc LeBeau.

Cajun Spice[]

After Marius Boudreaux ordered Jean-Luc LeBeau to be captured, The Rippers kept their prisoner within the confines of Bloodmoon Bayou, the house belonging to Marius and his son, Julien, after Remy LeBeau discovered what had happened to his adoptive father, he lied to Rogue so that she would join in in New Orleans, as the two made their way through the Mardi Gras celebration, The Rippers, which included Julien, targeted the two but were easily stopped by the mutants. After Rogue discovered that she had been lied to and was only there for her powers, Remy was forced into storming Bloodmoon Bayou solo and freed his father.

Although it appeared successful, Julien and Marius returned to the two and threatened them but were soon knocked out by Rogue. After the X-Men appeared, they fought off the rest of The Rippers which gave Rogue, Remy and Jean-Luc enough time to escape to safety on a boat. During the escape, Julien went after his long-time rival, Remy, and became circling him but the boat was then charged by Remy using his powers and Julien was stopped after evading the explosion by diving into the water below.


  • They are also known as "The Assassins Guild".
  • Their only appearance is Cajun Spice.