X-Men Evolution Wiki

Goof which isn't a goof[]

The page has listed under goofs "How did Logan know it was Jean who has been kidnapped when Prof. X only said "She's been kidnapped"? He could have thought it was her or Storm since Kitty was with them."

My main answer to this would be simple telepathy. Not only could Jean possibly be the only person who could contact him telepathically over a distance like that, which distance it would have to have since they were in distress. Storm wouldn't be able to contact him like that unless he was wearing Cerebro. Also, Charles could have let Logan listen into the conversation with Jean, letting him know it was her.

With those answers, should this question be removed since it has many simple answers, not to mention some more complicated, deep answering. It's not a goof. It just takes pondering and knowledge of the X-men and telepathy. Kayla L.H. (talk) 20:47, May 16, 2013 (UTC)