X-Men Evolution Wiki
X-Men Evolution Wiki
Omega Red
Omega Red HD
Biographical Information
Real Name: Arkady Rossovich
Alias: Omega Red
Species: Mutant
Originally From: Novorossiysk, USSR
Relatives: N/A
Affiliations: HYDRA
Interests: Fighting Wolverine
Physical Description
Gender: Male
Hair color: Blond
Eye color: Black
Height: 6'11
Character Information
Powers: Carbonadium armor

Increased strength

First Appearance: Target X
Voiced by: Richard Newman

Character Male Military H.Y.D.R.A. Season 4

"Your games once saved you. Not this time. This time, I leave
you broken! This time, I leave you to suffer!
Omega Red to Wolverine


A discarded project, Omega Red holds a grudge against those that needed him. Wolverine is the one who he targets the most, though other members of Project X may be in his sights too.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Superhuman Strength: He has the strength which is near equal to those like Wolverine.
  • Bio-Tentacles: His mutant abilities allows him to release metallic whips from his wrists. There is not a limit in how much this whips can be elongated, and they are strong enough to cut a tree in half.
  • Superhuman Durability: Omega's body is covered by carbonation armor, a less strong form of Adamantium, yet stronger than any other conventional metals. The metal covers his body, sans his tentacles, and makes him virtually indestructible.
  • Self-Repairing: His tentacles too seem to be able to heal, if they are severed off in some fashion.

Season 4[]

Omega Red is the Weapon X equivalent project of Russia. A perfect warrior created to destroy the enemies of the Soviet Union. Unfortunately, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, Omega Red quickly found himself in an age where he was no longer needed, and even dangerous, so he was frozen and laid to rest. Still, this has done nothing of his desire to destroy all enemies of the former Soviet Union. If anything, his frozen sleep drove him mad and has only intensified his zeal.

He and Wolverine seem to have a history, but like most details from Wolverine's past, it remains largely a mystery. Though Omega Red did not walk away from their previous encounter, he seemed to indicate he was left "broken and defeated". This hatred extends to all those involved in the Weapon X projects, so it is likely he will go after Sabretooth sometime in the near future. He is one of the members of HYDRA sent to apprehend X-23 along with Gauntlet.


  • While looking for Wolverine, Omega Red caught a real wolverine.


In Other Media[]

  • This is Omega Red's second appearance in an X-Men related cartoon, the first being in X-Men: The Animated Series
  • Omega Red has appeared in multiple video games, some of which include: X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse, X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse, and X2: Wolverine's Revenge