We open up at a Texas Monster Truck Show. Someone is going over some cars while the crowd is cheering.
Announcer: All right, lets hear a big cheer for the lady of monster trucks, Sherleen Grey.
She waves, does a wheelie, and leaves the arena.
Announcer: And now ladies and gentlemen, the main attraction of the evening, lets give it up for the World’s Strongest Teenager. Fred, “the Blob”, Dukes.
Fred is between two cars, he takes off a cape, smiles, and grabs the chains connected tot he two cars
Announcer: All right Fred, lets show ‘em what you got
While this is happening, we see someone with binoculars watching. It is Principal Darkholme (Mystique)
Back down at the arena, the cars start to go in different directions. Fred pulls them together, letting them smash into each other. He lands on top of the two, popping the tires on the cars. The crowd roars with applause, Fred bends down to bow but falls instead.
The crowd stops cheering and laughs.
Back in the crowd, Mystique has an evil look on her face and we find out that Jean and Logan are also there.
Fred’s locker room. He is trashing the place, throwing lockers, and punching holes in the walls. The door opens and Darkholme is leaning on the doorframe.
Darkholme: Something wrong?
Fred: Yeah, these small town hicks. They’ve laughed at me for the last time. I’m gettin outta here for good
Darkholme: That could be arranged. In fact, I know somewhere your talents would be truly appreciated
Fred: Listen lady, if your from the circus, you can forget it
Darkholme: On no, no, no no, I have something far more interesting. Care to hear more?
Fred: *sigh* heh, sure, why not?
He walks over to shut the door. Meanwhile, Logan and Jean are approaching the door.
The two see Darkholme and Fred. Darkholme is smiling triumphantly, and Fred shuts the door
Ms. Darkholme’s office at Bayville High. Darkholme is showing Fred his schedule
Darkholme: And this will be your schedule for the semester. Any questions, Mr. Dukes?
Fred: I don’t know if I can do school again I didn’t much fit in the other ones.
Darkholme: You won’t have that trouble here. As the Principal, I can make sure of it.
He leaves and looks at his schedule.
Fred: This is complicated
Duncan is walking by and Fred grabs him by the collar of his jacket.
Fred: Hey, hey you. Where am I supposed to be? Duncan: I don’t know. How ‘bout a sideshow?
Duncan laughs and Fred gets a mad look on his face. He throws Duncan on the floor
Fred: Don’t... you... make... fun of me!
He rips some lockers off the wall and is about to crush Duncan. Jean shows up and sees what is about to happen. Fred is just about to hit Duncan
Duncan: Woah, woah, hey woah
Jean: Uh, him uh, you must be new here
Fred stops and looks behind him
Jean: I’m Jean Grey
Fred: hey, hey oh yeah
He looks at the lockers and Duncan squirms away
Fred: I am, new I mean.
Jean: I figured. Welcome to Bayville. So, what do your friends call you?
Fred puts the lockers back to their original position
Fred: Don’t know, never had any friends. My name is Fred. Fred Dukes
He shakes her hand and the lockers fall a little
Jean: Well Fred, I want to apologize for Duncan. He can be a real idiot sometimes.
She bends down to pick up his schedule
Jean: Hey, do you need any help figuring this out?
Fred: Yes, uh please
Jean: Okay, hmm, your first class is right over there.
Fred: heh, thanks.
She hands him his schedule and starts to walk away
Jean: Don’t worry, the first day is always the roughest. It gets better. I’ll see you around.
She waves and walks out the door
Fred: You sure will
A classroom at school. The teacher is walking around handing out playbooks
Teacher: All right, for this Drama exercise you’ll each be doing a scene with a partner. And since a few of you haven’t chosen partners, I’ll be paring you up myself. Taryn, you and Paul are going to do Laura and Jim for the Glass Morachany. And that leaves, you (Rogue) and you (Scott)
Rogue slouches down, and Scott sighs
Scott: Oh great...
Teacher: You two will be Shakespeare’s Henry the Fifth. I’ve marked it, Henry and Katherine, daughter of the French King
Paul: Lots of luck Scott. I don’t think Miss small talk has ever said two words. You’ll have to play both parts yourself man.
The whole class starts to laugh
Teacher: All right class, all right. Now I want you to get with your scene partner and rehearse. You’ll perform on Tuesday.
Scott turns around to speak with Rogue
Scott: Uh, Hey, you okay with this?
Rogue: I’m not afraid of you
Scott: I didn’t say you should be
Rogue: Just ell your weirdo friends to keep their distance this time
Scott turns around and sighs
Paul: Oh yeah, she likes you. She’s just playing hard to get
Scott: Shut up Paul!
Lunchroom, we see some group tables including Duncan’s. Fred is heading toward to lunch counter
Fred: Mmmm....
The X-men’s Table
Kitty talking to Jean: Is that humungus guy the one you and Logan, like, went to see Saturday night?
Jean: Yeah, Fred. He’s okay, when he’s not ripping lockers off the wall
Kitty: He’s the one who, like, did that!? Freaky...
At the lunch counter, someone is getting their lunch, but is knocked out of the way by Fred The lunch lady is stunned for a moment but then looks up
Fred pointing to his tray: Fill’er up
She is about to get a place for him
Fred: Hey, hey woah, woah, woah, who said anything bout a plate? Now load it up. Heavy.
She starts pilling tons of stuff on the tray. A while later, his tray looks like is can’t hold anymore. He waves signaling that’s enough, and walks away. The Lunch lady gives a huge sigh
Kurt: You and Rogue? Ack, that is a strange combination, ya?
Scott: Yeah, I have to play a romantic scene with a girl who thinks we tried to kill her. Man, she’s gonna have to be some kind of actress
Kurt: Mien friend, you’ve got to invite me to the dress rehearsals.
The two start to laugh just as Fred is passing by. He turns to see who/what they’re laughing at but then walks to a deserted table. He sits down and the chair breaks causing the food to go flying. All of it hits the people at Duncan’s table. Close-up of Duncan who has a pissed-off look on his face, Fred covered in food, and the X-men who are watching this.
Duncan while wiping food off his face, two friends by his side heading toward Fred: Bad move, Blob boy.
X-Table, now everyone is the entire lunchroom is watching
Jean while getting up: Uh, stay here Kitty. This could get messy
Kitty: *laughs* Yeah, cause, like, that already hasn’t happened.
Fred tries to stand up but falls again. Everyone is pointing and laughing at him. His face turn pure red
Everyone stops and have a scared/surprised looks on their faces. Fred grunts, picks up some food and throws it. The food hits Duncan again causing him to fall. His two friends who followed him throw food back at Fred. It his him and he gets even madder. He starts to throw more food
Food is getting thrown everywhere, hitting people left and right. A few people make it to the door and run out the building. At the X-table, Scott and Kurt dive down to the floor.
Jean is using her telekinesis to avoid getting kit, but Kitty gets hit with a burger.
Kitty: Uck, ‘scuse me, I’m skipping dessert.
Kitty waves to Jean and phases through the floor.
Meanwhile, Fred has some food in his eye and is trowing food, Jean is walking towards him, still using her tk
Jean: Fred, Fred, please calm down
Fred has picked up a table, grunting, and swinging it around. Two kids are ducking and then run away. Jean is now running toward him trying to calm him
Jean slips on cake, making her slide only a few feet away from Blob. He is about to hit her with the table
Jean: FRED? FRED!!
Some more students are running out from the cafeteria.
Jean: Fred!
Just when he is about to hit Jean, an optic blast is shot from Scott, breaking the table, leaving only a leg from it.
Jean: Put the table down Fred
Fred looks at the leg from the table and wipes food from his eyes
Fred: Jean?
Scott is kneeling beside Jean, holding her with one hand, and the other hand on glasses, ready to fire again
Scott: You hurt her big man. But if you want to fight, try me.
Fred is about to take a swing at Scott with the table let but Jean grabs Scott’s hand to stop the soon-to-be fight.
Jean: Back off Scott, I’ll handle this
Scott lets go of Jean a little
Jean: Everything is fine. Isn’t it Fred?
Fred calms down and puts down the leg
Fred: They shouldn’ta laughed at me
Jean and Scott stand up. Scott is still protecting Jean with a hand on his glasses
Jean: No, no they shouldn’t. Uh, Scott, uh, don’t you have to get to class or something?
Scott: I’ll be close if you need me. Real close
Jean: I’ll be fine
Scott turns and heads out the door. Rogue is watching all of this in the hallway. He is walking out the door backwards watching Jean and Fred. Rogue quickly goes to her locker.
Rogue: Wow, ya’ll really look out for each other, don’tcha?
Scott: Yeah, Yeah, we do that
Ms. Darkholme is behind the lockers and surprises both of them, causing Rogue to slam her locker
Ms. Darkholme: What’s going on here!?
Rogue in fear: Uh, nothing
Scott: Uh, we were just talking Principal Darkholme
Darkholme: Then you had best stop your talking and get to class. Have I made myself clear?
Rogue while leaving: Yes, ma’am
Scott: Hey, don’t forget; in the park after school. And bring the playbook with you
Rogue: Hmm,mm
The cafeteria. Fred is calmed down and him and Jean are sitting on a table talking
Fred: Its just when they laugh at me, I... I kinda explode inside, ya know?
Jean: I understand Fred. But you’ve got to learn to control yourself. You can get training.
Fred: Yeah, right. Where?
Jean: I learned to control... my gifts, at the institute, where I live
Fred: Gifts? You mean you have powers too?
Jean: Uh, huh. Watch
She stands up, looks around to see if anyone else is there, points to a chair and the chair starts to shake. Fred has a curious look on his face and the chair slams against a wall, breaking into pieces.
Fred: Woah! You can really pound people with that
Jean: No Fred, that’s what we learn not to do. That’s what the Xavier Institute is all about, control. I’d love to take you there sometime. I know the Professor would love to meet you. Just let me know when your ready.
Fred: I’ll think about it
Jean: Great, well, I gotta run. I’ll catch you later, Fred.
They wave goodbye and she heads out the door
Fred turns and sees her backpack on the table.
Fred: Uh, hey Jean
Scott is holding the door open as Jean is leaving.
Jean: Yes?
Fred: Uh, nothing
She waves again and heads out the door with Scott.
Fred looks at the backpack and pulls out a photo. Its a picture of Scott leaning on Jean. He rips the pic in half and puts the half with Jean in his pocket. Then, steps on the part of Scott and leaves.
That afternoon, everyone is leaving the school. Fred is standing outside watching the door. Jean and Taryn step out and start to head home.
Taryn: Like, there goes my weekend. I can't believe how much homework I've got.
Jean: Yeah, me, too.
Fred steps in front of the two making Taryn gasp
Jean: Oh, Hi Fred. This is my friend Taryn.
Fred: Yeah, Hi.
Taryn: Hi
Fred: Uh, would you, I mean... would you like to... want to get a soda or something?
Jean: Uh, sorry, Fred, I can't. I got some stuff I got to do. Hey, how about if I catch up with you tomorrow?
Jean and Taryn start to walk away
Fred: Stuff huh? That's the best you could come up with? Stuff?
Jean: Uh, Taryn, you better go on without me. I'll catch up with you later.
Taryn: You going to be ok?
Jean: Yeah.
Taryn leaves and Jean turns around to face Fred
Jean: Look, Fred, I like you and all, but i have responsibilities. And that means I can't go with you right now.
Fred: But you're my friend.
He grabs her arm and she struggles to get out of his grip but is unsuccessful
Jean: I thought so, but friends don't hurt each other. Now let go of me.
Fred: Well, just let me talk to you for a second! In private!
Blob drags Jean to the other side of the school and Jean is still trying to get out of his grip. They stop right in front of the side building were there is construction stuff.
Jean: I said let go of me, Fred. I have to go home. *She gets out of his grip*
Fred: You can't! You gotta go out with me!
Jean: I don't have to go anywhere but home!
She starts to run away but he grabs both of her arms. She struggles again but she really can’t get loose now.
Jean: I'm warning you...
She uses her telekinesis to make some bricks and a bucket hit him. He regards them and grips onto her more tightly.
Fred: Ha! That the best you got?
Jean makes a whole bunch of bricks and a dumpster hit him. The bricks just break and he throws the dumpster making this thing against the building fall.
Jean: I said, let me go! AHH!
Everything above them comes crashing down directly on them. Jean ducks underneath Fred a little. When all the stuff is on the ground Fred gets up and is holding Jean. She is unconscious. She mumbles a little and he brushes back some hair. On her forehead there is a nasty bruise. He gets up, looks around and walks away with Jean in his arms
Inside an old warehouse.
Fred: Wakie wakie, sleeping beauty. Your table's ready! Ha ha! Pretty sweet, huh?
Jean opens her eyes and Fred is in front of her. She looks around, there is a table and tons of lighten candles. She gasps and tries to get up. She struggles a little more but is tied to a chair.
Jean: This can't be happening. Professor... I need help! Please help me
Outside the mansion. Kitty and Kurt are playing keep-away with a football. Logan and the Prof are standing near watching. Kurt is chasing Kitty who has the football. He teleports and Kitty phases through a tree.
Logan: That's it, half-pint. Keep the ball away from the elf. But you've got to concentrate, or...
Kitty looks behind her then runs into a tree limb. She falls down and the ball goes flying.
Kurt teleports back and catches the ball.
Kurt: It's mine now, Kitty!
Kitty: Give me that!
Kitty runs towards Kurt but he teleports on a tree branch.
Logan: Watch where you're 'portin'!
The branch breaks and he starts to fall. Kitty jumps up and grabs the ball, then pulls Kurt’s tail. Kurt falls on the ground, face first. He stands up and Kitty is hovering over him laughing.
Kurt: Hmm, grr...
Logan while averting his eyes with a hand: What kind of move is that?
Professor: Hmm. Innovation. Adaptation. It's what they're here to learn.
He looks like he is in pain for a second but is talking to Jean
Professor: Jean...stay calm. We'll find you. (To Logan) She's been kidnapped.
Logan: You! Elf! Get Cyclops! I’ve got to ride.
Logan runs off.
Logan in his uniform and is walking to his bike putting his helmet on. He mounts the bike and is off. He pulls out of the driveway.
In the park, Scott and Rogue are at a table reading from the playbooks.
Scott: Do you like me, Kate?
Rogue: Pardonne-moi? I cannot tell what is like me.
Scott: An angel is like you, Kate, and you are like an angel.
Rogue laughs: The girls are right. You are a charmer.
Scott: Look, I'm just reading the lines, ok?
Rogue while looking embarrassed: Yeah, I know. It's just, sometimes... I wish
Scott: Yeah? Wish what?
Rogue: Wish... I could get close to somebody. But you know what happens when I do.
They stare at each other for a second, then Kurt ports on to the table Rogue gasps
Kurt: Woah! Tender moment here? Sorry ta interrupt.
Rogue: I swear, he's like an annoying little brother.
Kurt looks at her in shock for a second, but then sticks out his tongue
Scott: What's the problem?
Kurt: Jean's been nabbed!
Scott: WHAT?
Scott pulls on Kurt’s uniform so he is in his face.
Kurt: Ooh! Easy on the exquisite costume, mien friend! Wolverine's On the scent, but I'm supposed to collect you.
Scott lets go of him and pauses. He sighs and then slams his fists against the table. Rogue is looking away as if in shame.
Scott: Unh! Blob! If he's hurt her, I'll... (To Rogue) You know anything about this?
Rogue: No. And even if I did, I wouldn't tell you.
Scott: Then I hope you can live with your conscience.
He puts his hand on Kurt’s shoulder.
Scott: Teleporter to maximum, Mr. Wagner.
Kurt while saluting: Aye, captain!
Scott: Engage.
And the two are gone, leaving Rogue to muse.
Logan stops at Bayville High. He takes a look around and sniffs the air. Then he leaves.
The Ready Room. Cyclops, Nightcrawler, and Shadowcat are all suited up.
Professor: I've been in mental contact with Jean, but she has no idea where she is. All I can tell is that she... and Blob are somewhere in this area. *points to computer screen*
Scott: Then let's move.
The three leave
The Garage opens and two cars come out. Cyclops is driving his convertible with the other two in the X-van.
Inside the warehouse. Fred walks over to Jean.
Fred: This is gonna be the best night you've ever had. Dinner, dancing...
He puts a napkin on her lap
Jean: Fred, this is all wrong. Now, you can't force someone to like you.
Fred: Why not? I'm stronger than everyone.
Jean: Being nice usually works better.
Fred: Oh, yeah. I just remembered. I've got a surprise for you.
Fred leaves the room
Jean: Hmm...
Outside the building, Logan arrives. He detects Jean.
Logan talking on his communicator: I found them. They're at the old ironworks at the south end. I'm going in.
Xavier: Logan, wait for backup.
Instead, Logan unleashes his claws and runs towards the door
Xavier talking to the others: Wolverine has the location. I'm transmitting coordinates.
Scott: Got it, professor. Be there in three!
Inside the building Fred is walking back with a record player. Suddenly, there are two cuts in the door making a big X. Fred turns around just in time to see Logan jump through the door. Logan jumps on him who is in shock. Wolverine takes a swing at him, but it is useless. Blob throws him but he lands on his feet. Logan runs towards him but Blob gets out of the way. Fred picks up some heavy metal thing, Logan looks at it for a second and unleashes his claws. Blob throws the thing at Logan.
Jean is watching this in horror as she struggles to get out of the chair. Fred looks around for a second thinking he has won but then realizes Wolverine is perched right above him. He jumps down and the two fight some more. Jean is still struggling to get loose. She only manages to bend the ropes. Wolverine and Blob are still fighting then Fred falls down on Wolverine.
Logan: Can't... breathe...
Fred: Jean’s my friend! You can't take her!
Jean looks at a cabinet for a second and it starts to shake
Logan retracts his claws and loses consciousness.
Right above Blob there is an optic blast. Scott is at the door
Scott: We're just giving her a way out. Through you, if necessary.
He takes another long shot at Blob. Instead of being injured Fred throws Logan on Scott.
They both ram into Logan’s bike, and both are now unconscious. Rogue walks up to both of them and takes Cyclop’s powers.
Inside the warehouse Blob goes in the room Jean is in and gets hit with the cabinet.
Fred: Nobody respects me! And you're the worst! You pretended to be my friend!
He throws it back at her but she stops it with her tk and sets it down. He grumbles a little and goes into the other room to pick up something even heavier. He starts to walk back to her but gets hit in the back by an optic blast from Rogue, making him drop the thing.
Rogue: Leave her alone, ya yahoo!
Fred: Whataya gonna do to me? Make me wear bad makeup?
Rogue: Didn't Mystique tell you what mah power is?
Fred: No, cause I don't care!
He throws a couple punches at her but she dodges them and touches him with her ungloved hand.
Rogue: Mah power is your power, and I can take more than one!
She throws him and then fires. He falls down but gets up.
Fred: Ha! I got too much power even for you! You can't hurt me! I'm the Blob!
Rogue: Nah. You're just garbage that wanted a date. Now, tell ya what... I'm taking you out!
He runs and jumps but she fires again making him go through the roof and land at the dump. All around him seagulls are squaking.
Fred: Stop laughing at me!
Outside the warehouse, everyone is conscious and Rogue is putting Scott’s visor on him
Rogue: There you go. I only took a short-term dose of your power. You should be back to normal soon.
Scott: You are like an angel, Kate.
Rogue: My name's not Kate. And I'm no angel.
Jean: But you helped us. Why?
Rogue: I don’t know. I just don’t know.
Rogue runs off.
Jean: Hey, wait!
Jean starts to run after her but Logan grabs on to her arm. Jean turns back around to face him.
Logan: Easy Red, let ‘er go
Jean: But she...
Logan: She ain’t ready. Trust me on this
Jean turns back around and watches Rogue run off.
Kitty: Ok, so maybe she's part of the dark, icky side, but I figure we, like, totally owe her now.
Scott: Yeah, yeah, we do. Big time.
Scott puts his hand on Jean’s shoulder.