X-Men Evolution Wiki
X-Men Evolution Wiki
Magneto's Helmet
Erik's helmet
Biographical Information
Name: Magneto's Helmet
First appearance: Strategy X
Owner: Magneto

Magneto's Helmet is a helmet worn by Erik Lehnsherr, also known as the infamous mutant villain Magneto, the helmet was designed to block out telepaths such as Charles Xavier and Jean Grey.


Erik's helmet is a crimson red and purple helmet that covers his hair and that goes to his chin, the only parts of his face that are visible are his eyes, his eyebrows, his nose and mouth. The front outline of his helmet is purple that goes around the bottom of the helmet and then upwards above his eyes in a "Y shape". Just slightly above the top, there is a small pendant-shaped piece with two matching spikes next on each side in the same shade of purple.


Erik rarely appears without his helmet, instead wearing to avoid those with strong telepathic abilities, such as Xavier or Jean, from getting into his mind.


  • In the comics, the helmet is capable of blocking out telepathic intrusion, namely from Charles Xavier and Emma Frost.
  • In the comics and in the film "First Class", the purple pendant-shaped piece and spikes are maroon red rather than purple.
  • The helmet debuted along with its owner in the comic titled "Uncanny X-Men #1" in 1963.

