X-Men Evolution Wiki
X-Men Evolution Wiki
Bolivar Trask
Biographical Information
Real Name: Bolivar Trask
Alias: Trask
Age: 40s-50s (Possibly)
Species: Human
Relatives: N/A
Affiliations: Sentinel
S.H.I.E.L.D. (formerly, currently-put under the watch of Nick Fury
Physical Description
Gender: Male
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Character Information
First Appearance: Day of Reckoning I
Voiced by: John Novak

Character Male Human Military S.H.I.E.L.D Independent Season 3 Season 4

Must See Episodes[]

Season 3[]

Bolivar Trask was a former operative of S.H.I.E.L.D but left at some stage due to his belief on mutants, he created a robotic force known as the Sentinels to deal with them as he believed the mutants would rule over humankind, an ideal he wished to eradicate which caused him to make his robotic force in an attempt to deal with the people he deemed a threat.

Season 4[]

After his Sentinel prototype was destroyed and the X-Men's names were cleared, Trask was soon arrested and placed in jail for his crimes. He was soon released and placed under the watch of his former boss Nick Fury so he could continue his work on the Sentinel project as a way to combat Apocalypse's newest threat.

Other media and Trivia[]

  • Bolivar Trask first appeared in X-Men: The Animated Series
  • He also appeared in X-Men: Days of Future Past
  • Trask was set to appear in X-Men: Apocalypse however was cut from the script
  • All appearances of Trask so far have all shared the same ideology; hatred for mutant-kind
  • All appearances of Trask so far have also shown him to be behind the Sentinel project to deal with the "threat"
  • Trask later appeared in X-Men '97