I want more intense Rogue stuff to happen, I want her to have been found in a research lab by the X-men.
Gambit, I want him to adopt Domino (the girl who could dodge just about anything) and Lazurus as his siblings, it'd be adorable.
I want characters to sing! Just once or twice in the series.
I want to know every characters past in detail, make Disney and or Disney XD go as far as possible.
I know this is a staple of every X-men movie and show but could we see, if just for a season or two, what it would be like if people weren't such ungratful jerks, I know it's Marvel but come on. I mean does anyone else feel like the military commited some crime like General Ross did in The Incredible Hulk, you know where the law states you can not use the military as a police force. I dunno, I might just be more used to the DC comics but still.